Demonstrate your commitment to cyber security
The Cyber Essentials scheme is an accessible way for your organisation, whatever its size, to evidence your commitment to cyber security through a recognised and government-backed standard.
The process will improve your security procedures and guard your organisation against the most common threats. And once certified, you’ll be able to demonstrate to your customers and suppliers that you take security seriously and be eligible to bid for government and MOD contracts.
As an accredited Cyber Essentials Certification Body, we can guide you through the process and help you achieve certification. Working with us streamlines the process and helps to deliver a successful application.
There are two levels of certification, and we can support you with both.
Cyber Essentials
Achieving Cyber Essentials certification requires the completion of a self-assessment questionnaire, which a Certification Body then verifies. The questionnaire assesses whether you meet all the requirements under the scheme’s five security controls.
We’ll assist you with the gaps in your compliance so your organisation is ready to achieve accreditation, and if you need it, we can help you complete the questionnaire.
Once you meet the criteria, we’ll complete the necessary assessment and issue your certification.
Cyber Essentials Plus
Cyber Essentials Plus has the exact requirements as the standard certification described above but requires hands-on technical verification. The assessment includes specific internal and external tests to validate the correct implementation of the five control categories.
When you’re assessment ready, we’ll run various internal and external vulnerability scans and test a sample of end-user and network devices to check they’re secure against cyber attacks. As well as meeting the requirements of the scheme, these checks will provide valuable insight into your defence against cyber crime.
Once satisfied your organisation meets the stringent criteria, we’ll complete and sign off your certification.
Why use SilvaTech for Cyber Essentials
Applying for Cyber Essentials certification without a partner to assist can be long and laborious. And if you fail the assessment, you may not understand how to fix it. Our seamless service ensures your organisation meets all the criteria and will help deliver a successful application. Plus, we can provide ongoing support to continually maximise your IT security, limit the likelihood of cyber attacks and achieve annual certification renewal.
To start your journey to Cyber Essentials certification, please get in touch.